
Chanterelle uses a notion of modules to determine which units of Solidity code to compile and create PureScript bindings for. Those coming from a Haskell background may notice the parallel to Cabal’s exposed-modules. Simply adding a contract file within the source-dir does not mean it will be compiled, nor will there be a generated PureScript file. Instead, one must explicitly specify it in the project’s chanterelle.json.

Chanterelle uses module namespacing for Solidity files similar to what’s found in PureScript or Haskell, though here we enforce that the module name must mirror the filepath. A module named Some.Modular.Contract is expected to be in contracts/Some/Modular/Contract.sol, and its PureScript binding will have the same module name as well.

Solidity build artifacts are put into the build/ directory by default (see artifacts-dir in chanterelle.json). The full artifact filepath corresponds to the its relative location in the source-dir. For example, in the parking-dao the ParkingAuthority Solidity module is located at contracts/ParkingAuthority.sol. Thus the build artifact will be written to build/ParkingAuthority.json.

If a module-prefix is specified in the purescript-generator section, that module prefix will be prepended to the generated PureScript modules’ names. In the parking-dao example, the module FoamCSR is expected to be located in contracts/FoamCSR.sol and will generate a PureScript module Contracts.FoamCSR with filepath src/Contracts/FoamCSR.purs. Likewise, Nested.SimpleStorage is expected to be located in contracts/Nested/SimpleStorage.sol and the generated PureScript module name will be Contracts.Nested.SimpleStorage with filepath src/Contracts/Nested/SimpleStorage.purs.